Work with Lucy

Natural Ways to Improve Sleep during Pregnancy

blue light blockers expectful needed partner pregnancy acupuncture pregnancy insomnia pregnancy pillow rise centered sleep during pregnancy sleep supplements pregnancy this is needed unisom pregnancy yoga nidra Oct 04, 2024

Sleep can be hard to come by during pregnancy! If you are struggling with this…I SEE YOU. In first trimester, it may be vivid dreams waking you up. Then bring on the frequent wakings to pee in the middle of the night. Then bring on the pelvic discomfort of third trimester. It’s truly hard to get comfortable!!! Trouble with sleep is a common issue that plagues the people I work with as a midwife and health coach, and I have also personally experienced as a mother myself! 

I do think there is a time and place for over the counter sleep aids like unisom and I am not against using this on occasion! But what about safe and natural ways to support better sleep during pregnancy, that focus on root cause? 

Here are some things you can try:

1. Acupuncture

You often hear about acupuncture for helping to inspire labor or relieving nausea, but it is also a low risk, high potential benefit for easier and deeper sleep!

2. Mindfulness

🧘‍♀️ Yoga Nidra recordings ( I sleep like a “baby” after yoga Nidra!)

📱 @expectful app for short meditations geared towards pregnancy

🌬️ 4-7-8 breathwork. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 and exhale for 8.

3. Supplements

🌿my favorite is @needed brand “Sleep and Relaxation Support” which contains pregnancy-safe magnesium, L-Theanine, L-Glycine, and chamomile. It tastes like chamomile tea and I love drinking it warm. (Yes, I use it outside of pregnancy!) and I notice when I do not take it. Visit here for a needed discount.  

4. Setting the Stage for Sleep and supporting your circadian rhythm

🖥️ Blue light blockers, limit any screen time after 7pm

💡 Rise Centered sunrise alarm clock 

🛏️ Making a “nest” to support your body or using a U shaped pregnancy pillow

☕️ avoid caffeine after 12pm

🏃‍♀️ exercise regularly, ideally in the morning

🍝 try not to eat a few hours before bed, limit fluids to before 7pm

🌙 keep your bedroom room dark and cool. Ideally, no ambient lights from clocks. Turn your phone on airplane mode.

What helped you? 

This is not medical advice. Always work with your care team if you are struggling with sleep! 


#pregnancy #pregnancyinsomnia #nidra #pregnancypillow #neededpartner #circadianrhythm #bluelight

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