Can Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Induce Labor?

natural induction of labor red raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy Jun 29, 2024

No, contrary to what you may find on Google, Red Raspberry Leaf (RRL) does not induce labor. The vitamins and minerals found in RRL are the perfect blend to help the muscle network in the uterus both contract as well as relax. (Essentially, this is exactly what needs to happen during labor!) RRL is not proven to jumpstart contractions, but rather to make them more powerful and efficient when they do start on their own. RRL is known in the herbal world as a “uterotonic”, with its unique ability to “tone” the uterus.

Some people do not love the subtle earthy taste of RRL tea. It is quite different from “raspberry tea”, which does not help the uterus in any way. You can add a sweetener and lemon to your RRL tea to make it more palatable. Personally, I like the taste and drank it during both of my pregnancies.

Due to the theoretical concern that RRL stimulates the uterus, it is generally recommended to avoid it until the third trimester. Most providers will recommend 1-2 cups of RRL tea daily starting after 28 weeks. But it is always good to check in with your healthcare team before adding any herbs! 

I originally wrote this for FAQs found on



Simpson M, et al. “Raspberry leaf in pregnancy: its safety and efficacy in labor,” Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 46 (2001): 51-59.

Ranzini A. “Use of complementary medicines and therapies among obstetric patients,” Obstetrics and Gynecology 97, 4 Suppl. (2001 April): 46.

Parsons M, et al. “Raspberry leaf and its effect on labor: safety and efficacy,” Aust Coll Midwives J 12 (1999): 20-25.

Holst, L.; Haavik, S.; Nordeng, H. Raspberry leaf—Should it be recommended to pregnant women? Complement. Ther. Clin. Pr. 2009, 15, 204–208.

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