It is Common to Vomit During Labor?

vomiting during labor Jun 29, 2024

I am sorry to say that vomiting is a very common occurrence during labor. The majority of birthing people I care for do vomit at least once during their labor. And usually once the vomiting starts, it is a good thing that labor is progressing.

As awful as it sounds, usually you care much less about the vomiting than you would with a typical stomach virus. This is because you are focused so much on the intensity of labor and bringing your baby into the world. You can only concentrate on so much at one time! Also, as awful as it is, vomiting has one benefit. When you vomit, you are “bearing down” with your muscles and it can help bring your baby lower in your pelvis and apply more helpful pressure to the cervix. Although it may not always hold true, there is old saying that you gain a centimeter or cervical dilation each time you vomit!

Things that can be helpful to prevent vomiting during labor:

  1. Eating bland protein during early labor
  2. electrolyte drinks or IV fluids if you are having active vomiting or diarrhea. Stay hydrated throughout your labor, especially if you are using a tub or working hard breathing through contractions.
  3. Ginger chews, candies, or gingerale
  4. Treating your heartburn if that is triggering vomiting
  5. Drinking slowly and steadily, not a large volume of fluid all at one
  6. Sometimes an anti-nausea medication like Zofran can be given through your IV

This post is part of an FAQ series thst I wrote for


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